Thursday, June 3, 2010

Catching up with pictures!!!

Wow, I can't believe I let almost 3 months go by without blogging at all!  Well, I'll admit I'm still not in a blogging mood, so I just thought I'd share a bunch of pictures for now!  The above picture is from a fundraiser I took Ella to in April.  It was a really cute event: "Pink Parlor" a spa for little girls- they could get their makeup done, nails and hair and then finish up with a professional photo.  Ella's still a little sparse on the hair (and wriggly!), so we skipped that part but I think she liked getting her (very light) makeup application and nails done.  The following pictures are favorites of mine from February up through May....

Ella loves puppies!  This is at Jumpin' Joey's near our home.

At Wonder Wild, in the Heights.

Ella being silly!  That's her diaper cover on her head! : )

Sometimes it's hard to take her picture, can you see why?  : )

Ella's first haircut!  This is at Snip-its, in the Woodlands.
They use everything to keep the kiddos happy:
bubbles, toys, a personal TV with a cartoon playing, a lollipop...

And still, it didn't go so well....  
Eventually I just had to hold her while she got her trim!

We just started getting into doing more artsy stuff together; 
this picture was from April... 

My dad, "Papa," to Ella, makes a good buddy!
We just made a trip to visit my family back in late April/early May.

If you ask Ella if she wants to go shopping, she nods and says "shopping"
It's so cute! : )

She can be quite expressive! : )

She loves the sprinkler, and her little kiddie pool too : )

Ella and Daddy at the Butterfly Exhibit at the Houston Museum of Natural Science

What's more fun than making whipped topping by hand?  
Eating it, of course!

Ella at her Sibling Class through the Woman's Hospital of Texas,
 which is where I'm going to deliver Baby Kate..  
I'm not sure how much she absorbed from this, but it was cute! 

Sunday right before Memorial Day.  
Grandma Gay invited us to her church's Jazz Sunday event.

Our little tree hugger!!!

I love all her expressions! : )

She's my little beauty! : )

Sunday, March 7, 2010

No more nursing!

Ella is watching her mind-numbing colors DVD by Preschool Prep Company right now.  As boring as it is (for me and every other adult, at least), I think that Ella is learning from it...  It's funny to me how she's moved from one DVD to the next- I mean, she'll insist on a certain DVD and be very emphatic about it if I try to slip another one in.  She knows what she wants!  When the DVD ends, she says/signs "all done" and then turns the TV off, pops the DVD out and bring it over to me to put away.  She's usually pretty helpful at home, putting things away when I ask her to.  Okay, it might take a minute or two for her to fulfill my request- but I could say the same for Ryan!  : )

Ryan and I went out of town last Thursday through Monday for a cruise out of Galveston to Cozumel....  There's nothing like a vacation : )  I think we're both pretty set to go on another cruise the next chance we get!  I had a really good time, and luckily my days of nausea and vommitting are behind me so I made good on the all-you-can-eat aspect of the cruise : )  I think I gained 5 pounds in 4 days! 

Since Ella and I would be separated for a couple of days, Ryan thought I should take the opportunity to wean her.  I knew it was a good time to wean, but she's so cuddly and cute when she nurses now, stroking my belly as her way of being nice to baby Kate, that I kind of wanted to keep going....  So we got back Monday, and it wasn't until Wednesday that I gave in and nursed her once, and I think after that she decided my milk wasn't good anymore!  Or she wasn't getting anything anymore?  I couldn't even tell...  Anyway, she's done asking for it.  The funny thing is the next day (Thursday), when I picked Ella up from preschool I got the report that she kept trying to get at her teachers's "milk supply"!  I guess Ella thought maybe her teacher had better milk to offer?  Well, I would say we've reached quite a milestone!  18 months of nursing is long enough for me!

Okay, well I will have to keep this post short- Ella is wanting my attention now.  I'll post pictures later!

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's a girl!!!

At my 20 week ultrasound (this past Friday), we found out that we're having another girl!  I am soooo excited to be having a girl, again!  : )  I had wanted a girl so badly, and truly thought it was a girl, yet every time somebody told me they thought it was a boy or hoped it was a boy, I was afraid all their wishing would make it true!  All these weeks, it seemed like I was the only one who was hoping for a girl.  Fortunately things usually go my way : )

We've already decided on a name: Kate Elise.  If you recall, we named Ella after my maternal grandmother - Eleanor, actually.  We had debated between Eleanor, Ella, Ellie, and Elle.  I know, using a short version isn't quite the same- I don't think my grandma felt like we'd named our baby after her....  To me though, the meaning is still there.  My grandmother passed away last year, but it will be nice to tell Ella about her as she gets older.  We also gave Ella my mom's middle name, Ilima.  It's Hawaiian for "beautiful flower."

So for baby girl number 2, we decided a long time ago that she would be named after Ryan's maternal grandmother, Katherine, and Elise is Ryan's mom's middle name.  As for the rest of our kiddos that are yet to be, I don't know what we'll name them!  Actually Ryan has a boy's name picked out: Christian McAllister....  To be honest, I might have objected if he hadn't pretty much let me make the decision for the girls' names.  And McAllister is Ryan's middle name : )

I'm getting more and more excited!  I started to feel the baby's movements about a week ago.  It's both good and bad because once you start feeling the movements, you're always anxious to feel the movements!  This being my second time being pregnant though, I am less anxious overall.  I'm still throwing up here and there, but it's not a big deal.  When Ryan and I went out for dinner Sunday (Valentine's Day!), shortly after having soup and salad, I threw up the entirety of my stomach's contents - then came back to the table and finished my meal!  Hey, at least I can still enjoy my food afterwards!  Maybe each pregnancy will be easier and easier...  I like to think on the bright side : )

Ella has been giving my belly hugs and kisses - I'm not sure if she really understands that there's a baby in there or if I just have her trained well!  What's funny though, is she held her sippy cup to my belly button the other day, like she was trying to feed the baby!  Okay well, she has also tried to feed her sippy cup before...  hehe...  She's a funny girl : )

We've decided that we will put Ella into Montessori, at age 3.  So next year, she'll stay where she's at right now.  We'll save money, and the 2 day/week routine will leave plenty of time for the other activities I want to do together: Mommy & Me gymnastics, dance, Spanish, and music classes.  I just registered Ella for that dance class we tried out last week; I think we'll really enjoy it.  Since today was a holiday and there was no preschool, I took Ella to a trial class at a gymnastics place nearby, called Rowland/Ballard.  Compared to The Little Gym, it was definitely more gymnastics oriented - the other kids knew how to pike, tuck, straddle, etc - but they were also 3 and up, so maybe that's why it didn't feel like the right level for her.  Anyway, it seems great but all Ella wanted to do was jump on the trampoline half the time!  She threw a huge tantrum when I tried to get her to do other stuff, so eventually I said, "whatever!"  : )  She did eventually play in the pit, and swing on the rings- she was really great at that actually!  Anyway, I always enjoy trial classes - especially if they're free!  That one wasn't free, although I think shelling out the money does make for a better overall evaluation of the experience.

I think I'm beginning to hear Ella stir; she went down for a nap 3 hours ago so it's about time : )  I am so, so grateful that she's napping on her own now, and for a long time!  These pictures are from about a week ago.  Ella likes that onesie - she likes to point at the bee and say "bee!"  You'll notice she also likes to play piano with her butt and feet...  : )

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No more tears!

This is why it's so hard to take a picture of Ella lately - she wants to hold the camera herself!  Or she's zooming across the room!  I have so many pictures of her side/back...  Anyway....  The thing on Ella's back in this picture, is her butterfly nap mat for preschool - she loves it...

I have very good news!!!  This past Monday, Ella didn't cry at preschool!  She didn't even cry when I dropped her off- she just blew me kisses and said bye-bye!  I think that was her fifth time there, so everyone's reassurance that they all need 2 weeks to adjust was pretty right on, if you consider that class is held twice a week.  Tomorrow her class has a Valentine's Day party, so she has little lenticular Hello Kitty Valentine's to give to her classmates.  I wouldn't have thought that they'd exchange Valentine's so young but we just went to a trial dance class and they also had a little Valentine's Day party, complete with Valentines.

Now that Ella is almost 18 months, she'll soon be able to start taking dance classes at a studio about 15 minutes away or gymnastics classes at a gym less than 5 minutes away.  I have to pick between the two since they're offered at the same time.  Ella seemed to like the dance class today (probably because 1/3 of the time was devoted to the Valentine's party which meant cookies & lollipops!) and the moms were really nice...  But living vicariously through my daughter, I am leaning toward gymnastics : )  But she's already taking classes at The Little Gym...  Oh, decisions, decisions : )  Don't even get me started on whether or not to go ahead with Montessori - we're still thinking that one over : )

Ryan and I finally popped in a few Signing Time DVDs just to do the sign review section, and yes, Ella was using the sign for backpack (see previous post).  Back in October, we wrote out a list of all the signs she's used; the count was over 60 signs back then.  Now, Ella knows over 100 signs!  Some of my favorites are: cold, please, sad, cry, scared - I guess because she really acts those out.  I need to get some of it on video, it's so adorable!

Here is Ella, on Skype with my dad! 
She's dressed in a little dance leotard, just to try it on : )

While my mom was visiting last week, Ryan and I got to go on a date two nights in a row!  It was so nice...  And Ella loved spending time with Grandma Banana - our new nickname that grew out of "Nana" - Ella would sign banana whenever we said Nana....  hehe...

Well, this Friday is the big day for us - we'll find out if we're having a boy or a girl!  I can't wait to know for sure, although I already think it's a girl : )  I'll make sure to post sometime with the announcement! : )

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bye, Bye BB

Wednesday morning I pretty much flipped out at Ryan and told him either things needed to change with the dog (obedience school, regular walks, poop picked up in the backyard, etc) or I could no longer tolerate her presence in our house.  I know, I don't sound very nice.  The truth is, having BB around, I didn't feel very nice.  I think I'm a nice person, but BB drove me sooooo crazy that I would silently curse her in my head daily.  And I felt bad about it too, because BB actually does like me (who knows why?)  Anyway, Ryan decided it was best to get her out of the house for awhile if not permanently.  She's at his parents for now until we decide what to do (find her a new permanent home, probably.)  To be totally honest, I am SOOOO glad she's out of the house.  My stress level is down already.  I do feel bad that it didn't work out, for Ryan's sake and for Ella, who loves her : (  But the funny thing is, Ella would constantly say "no, no, BB" and "down, BB, down!" since she constantly heard us saying that to her....  As much as BB drove me crazy, I also think she deserves to be somewhere where she's wanted- when I say that, I can only speak for myself because I'm the only one who really wanted her gone, but being a stay-at-home-mom, my vote really matters- I'm home a lot!  Well, hopefully we'll find her a place where she's happy and someone is happy to have her around.

Ella is in preschool as I am typing, and although she cries when I drop her off, her teachers tell me she drops the act once I leave : )  I think she's adjusted pretty well, but she now has a constant runny nose which I'm sure is related to preschool!  Ryan and I are trying to decide if we should invest in Montessori school starting in the fall, or just keep her in the program she's in now - the difference is about $400 more a month, so we'll really have to weigh the benefits with the cost.  I think what I'm starting to grasp, is that we'll have two kiddos before you know it, which eventually means twice the bill for activities.  So once this next baby reaches preschool age, will we be willing & able to pay $800 more a month to do Montessori school versus a more affordable church-run preschool program?  I don't know....  If only money were no object! : )

Ella's language skills are emerging more every day.  For example, last night  Ella was playing with my damp hair and after I said "it's all wet," she kept saying "all wet, it's all wet."  Last week, we were playing on a playground and she would stick her face between some bars and say "I see you!" and then pick another spot to stick her face through and say "I see you!"  She's still signing- lately she's been signing cold a lot, since it's been cold lately.  Yesterday, she found a toy caterpillar while we were at the library's storytime hour; she brought it over to me and signed caterpillar - it's such a cute sign!  I'm realizing I need to review some of the signs on her Signing Time DVDs, since she occasionally does something and I'm like "is that a sign?"  I think she was signing backpack yesterday but I'm not sure, since I don't know the sign for backpack myself!  Whether or not she was signing it, I do know that's what she wanted - she loves her Hello Kitty backpack!

Thankfully, we've cut back on nursing - just 2 to 3 times a day.  Ella has adjusted pretty well to it.  It was funny though, just yesterday she bonked her head (on purpose I think) and when I opened my arms for her to come to me, she smiled and ran over and fell into my lap like I was about to give her some "medicine" to make her better.  That's how it used to be- nursing is a quick fix for an owie!  Anyway, I have to admit I come close to caving in sometimes to the extra nursing sessions, but I've managed to direct her to her sippy cup of milk instead.

I think come March, I'll start potty training - we'll see though.  If she's really resistant, I can wait.  I think she's ready though- I noticed her diaper was dry after her nap yesterday so I set her on the toilet, and she peed.  Normally though, she doesn't want to sit on the toilet for me.  But she also hates getting her diaper changed.


I've been a slacker with taking pictures lately, so there's not much to post.  But I thought this was a good one to show how Ella has discovered her climbing skills can get her quite far!  In no time at all, she's on the chairs, then the tables!  How do you baby-proof that?  I suppose I just better teach her how to get down safely!

Well, my mom is coming to visit this afternoon and our guest bedroom is a disaster.  It's the one room where I can just throw things into it and shut the door.  It looks like Ella went in there and threw everything all around, but no, that room's mess is entirely my fault.  I better get to it...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big news : )

Ella started preschool last week!!!  She loves her Hello Kitty backpack, Hello Kitty lunch box, and her butterfly napmat.  Preschool itself?  Well, everyone tells me it'll take about 2 weeks before she's adjusted.  She cried when I left, she cried while I was gone - although I was assured she didn't cry the entire time!  Anyway, the people there all seem really nice and I do think she'll get into the grove and start enjoying her time there.  I am definitely enjoying the free time myself!!!!  It's amazing having a couple of hours that I can spend HOWEVER I want!  : )  Yesterday, I had lunch with Ryan before going to pick Ella up - that was really nice.  I thought maybe I'd use the time (it's twice a week) to be really productive at home...  So far, I've gotten some stuff done but I'm mostly just relaxing.  I figure I might as well take advantage of this time while I can!

I keep meaning to do a separate post to talk about being pregnant again, but I never get around to it.  So anyway, I'm now almost 16 weeks along and realizing that I might as well relax while I can!  The due date is July 2nd, and we should find out this Friday if it's a boy or a girl.  I'm hoping for another girl : )  We're excited, although it is a bit overwhelming to realize that in the coming months I'll go through labor, getting nursing right with the next baby- hopefully it will be a breeze this time around, the craziness of post-partum hormones, sleep deprivation, etc.  And doing it all while taking care of a 2 year old.  Well, at least I know what I'm getting into!  (I think.)  Oh and did I mention having thrown up daily for the past several weeks?  Yes, I am excited (in case you were wondering!) but I'm already thinking I might like to have Ella start going to school 5 times a week next fall, so that I can hopefully not go berserk.  Of course, I wouldn't do it if I didn't see benefit in it for her too- that's what we have to figure out- whether or not the school we have in mind would be a good fit for her.  What she's attending right now is really a Mother's Day Out kind of thing at a local church that lasts 5 hours long, 2 days a week.  What I'm thinking of for the fall is a Montessori school that lasts 4 hours long, 5 days a week.  Once we have that all sorted out (it'll probably be awhile), I'll have to blog about what we decide to do.  Wish us luck!

Other than that - Ella has finally started taking naps on her own!!!  She's napping right now actually.  I guess the key was to wait til noon or later to put her down.  If I put her down during her normal nap time in the morning, she would just scream and scream and scream nonstop.  It's funny that I didn't just try that sooner.  Oh well, hopefully I will be a pro by the time the next baby comes along!  The other thing I need to work on is WEANING!!!  Ella is still nursing.  It's not that I don't want to, but it's knowing that there's another baby on the way and knowing that she really doesn't need to anymore anyway that makes me anxious to put an end to it.  I'd also like it if I could wear a shirt without considering whether or not I could nurse Ella easily with it.  To go anywhere and not have to bring a nursing cover along....  A little bit of a break before I start nursing this next baby would just be nice.

Okay, well my little Ella Bella just woke up.  She'll probably demand milk as soon as I get her.  : )