Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Well now that I actually shared the blogging URL on the holiday cards that I mailed out, I guess it's time to put another posting up, huh? I think my new year's resolution will be to keep up the blog. Yeah I know, I could make my resolution to do something healthy like exercise, but let's get real!

Ella enjoyed her first Christmas so much she fought off her naps and will probably sleep most of the day tomorrow (of course, the day that Ryan is going to watch her while I go to work!) Ella had no idea she got spoiled by her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles - she was just happy to be around all her family! I think we all had a good time together : )

Ella turned 4 months old today! It's hard to sum things up since the last posting, but what really comes to mind is that she's grown soooo much! Everyone always comments on how big or long she's gotten... Ryan weighed her last night and she's up to 15 1/2 pounds now, not sure on her length but last time we were at the doctor's she was in the 90th percentile for length; for weight it was 50th percentile. She definitely is starting to feel heavy as I'm holding her! And she seems a little big for her infant carseat - as Uncle Tim put it, it's a "custom fit!" It's supposed to be good for up to 20 pounds, but we're planning on transitioning her into her new convertible carseat, a Christmas gift from Grandma & Grandpa Rockwood. I put her in it this morning, I think she liked it : )

Let's see... what baby milestones has Ella reached? She rolled over for the first time at 4 weeks, but hasn't rolled over all that much since then... She really likes to stand upright with support, and recently she's started to do little "crunches" from a reclined position! She's got great head control now, and can totally recognize people - she'll follow me with her eyes, it's so cute! And she loves the time she spends with her daddy! She smiles lots if you smile at her, and she has the cutest little laugh! Grandma Goldie is really good at making her laugh : ) She started talking a lot lately, it sounds adorable! Oh and she loves to play with her hands and stick them in her mouth, and when you hold her it feels like she's trying to hold on to you too : ) Ella started on solids last week- yeah, we jumped the gun just a little! She's doing pretty good with eating, and nursing : ) She sleeps very well, if you cuddle up next to her! Otherwise, cross your fingers! All in all, I'd say we have a healthy, happy, beautiful baby!

Well, thanks for checking in on us! Merry Christmas!!! And in case I don't blog again for awhile, Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hello World

Blogging is totally new to me, but I figured I'd give it a try so that I can try to keep friends and family in the loop with our little one : ) So in case you haven't heard, Ryan and I are now proud parents of Ella Ilima Baker - born August 25th at 5:59pm weighing 7 pounds 6.8 ounces and measuring 19.75 inches long - perfect! Just a little over a week ago she was up to 9 pounds 6.5 ounces and 22.25 inches long!

She's such a good baby too : ) She sleeps a lot of course, but never all through the night : ( One day, one day... It was so nice to have my mom come visit last week to help out - she did all the night time feedings - what a great gift to give new parents!!! Well there's much to say but unfortunately too much on the to-do list, so I will write more later : )