So I went in to work today. And actually, it felt pretty good. I like seeing all my coworkers, and it's nice to feel like I'm still capable of doing my job (sometimes I feel like I have that mommy mush brain thing.

) Eventually I will be working more so I don't want to get too rusty. And I didn't feel *too* guilty about not spending the day with Ella- I dropped her off at Uncle Rob and Aunt Jess' house. They took good care of her : ) And they have a 4 year-old son, Aidan and a 1 year-old daughter, Mia - playmates!!! Our plan is to swap off babysitting, which makes it possible for me to work on a regular basis. I have a friend with a baby right around Ella's age, and we're swapping off babysitting too. Also Ryan's mom, aunt and grandma all volunteered to help out, so it looks like I can definitely put some time in here and there. I'm VERY thankful for that : ) At this point, I'm feeling pretty good about working - since today turned out to be a good day after all.
Ella had her 4 month check up yesterday. Guess what her percentile was for length? She is in the 97th percentile! If you know my height, that's surprising! And for weight, she's in the 90th percentile! (If you knew my weight, that's not so surprising...) She was 26 1/2 inches, and 15# 3 oz. The doctor said she's doing great! He did say that her growth would probably slow soon, so not to be too eager about how tall she'll be. If you can't tell, I wish I were taller.
Well, thanks for keeping up with us! In these pictures Ella is wearing a dress from her grandma & grandpa and Mia Joie shoes, made by Jess. So cute!!!!!!!!!!! The one below was right before going off to the doctor's... before she got her vaccine shots, poor thing... The picture up top is post vaccine shots....

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