Boy, we're not even through January and I'm already slacking on keeping up this blog! Oh well, sorry to the two people that read this : ) By the way, thanks for reading! I guess part of my slacking is due to my days mostly being pretty repetitive and not exciting: nurse the baby, make sure she naps, nurse her more, feed her rice cereal, play with her, get her to nap some more, you get the picture. A good day is when I also do a load of laundry, clean the kitchen (which isn't too hard when you hardly cook anything), remember to take my multivitamin and DHA pill (the DHA is to promote brain and eye development in Ella, since I'm nursing), and getting and sorting through the mail. Yep, that's it. I'll do other random stuff too, but that's my basic checklist. And I'm not doing very good at keeping up with the mail - I have a dump bucket for the mail that doesn't seem important but I'm not sure if I want to toss it before reading it... So, no wonder I can't even keep up this blog, huh? Oh and you may have noticed making dinner was not on that list... Let's not even go there!
So when I try to think of what blogworthy news I have, it's hard to come up with all that much... Seriously, last week while I was walking into work someone rolled down the window and whistled at me - and I was like, oh yeah- that's the highlight of my day! He wasn't even remotely good looking - he was actually gross, but hey I can still appreciate it! (It's funny though, that kind of thing used to irritate me - everything DOES change after having a baby!) Yesterday Ryan told me that I looked thin, and that made me feel pretty good...
Alright, that's not the only 2 things that have happened in the past 2 weeks, but now Ella is getting fussy for me to give her some attention... I really do enjoy taking care of her, and I LOVE it when she laughs or smiles... It just melts you : ) Okay she's actually sucking really hard on my arm right now, so I'm thinking she's a little hungry : ) I better go!
Jessica took this picture almost 2 weeks ago - cute, huh? She made the jacket she's wearing...