Sunday, March 7, 2010

No more nursing!

Ella is watching her mind-numbing colors DVD by Preschool Prep Company right now.  As boring as it is (for me and every other adult, at least), I think that Ella is learning from it...  It's funny to me how she's moved from one DVD to the next- I mean, she'll insist on a certain DVD and be very emphatic about it if I try to slip another one in.  She knows what she wants!  When the DVD ends, she says/signs "all done" and then turns the TV off, pops the DVD out and bring it over to me to put away.  She's usually pretty helpful at home, putting things away when I ask her to.  Okay, it might take a minute or two for her to fulfill my request- but I could say the same for Ryan!  : )

Ryan and I went out of town last Thursday through Monday for a cruise out of Galveston to Cozumel....  There's nothing like a vacation : )  I think we're both pretty set to go on another cruise the next chance we get!  I had a really good time, and luckily my days of nausea and vommitting are behind me so I made good on the all-you-can-eat aspect of the cruise : )  I think I gained 5 pounds in 4 days! 

Since Ella and I would be separated for a couple of days, Ryan thought I should take the opportunity to wean her.  I knew it was a good time to wean, but she's so cuddly and cute when she nurses now, stroking my belly as her way of being nice to baby Kate, that I kind of wanted to keep going....  So we got back Monday, and it wasn't until Wednesday that I gave in and nursed her once, and I think after that she decided my milk wasn't good anymore!  Or she wasn't getting anything anymore?  I couldn't even tell...  Anyway, she's done asking for it.  The funny thing is the next day (Thursday), when I picked Ella up from preschool I got the report that she kept trying to get at her teachers's "milk supply"!  I guess Ella thought maybe her teacher had better milk to offer?  Well, I would say we've reached quite a milestone!  18 months of nursing is long enough for me!

Okay, well I will have to keep this post short- Ella is wanting my attention now.  I'll post pictures later!

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