Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big news : )

Ella started preschool last week!!!  She loves her Hello Kitty backpack, Hello Kitty lunch box, and her butterfly napmat.  Preschool itself?  Well, everyone tells me it'll take about 2 weeks before she's adjusted.  She cried when I left, she cried while I was gone - although I was assured she didn't cry the entire time!  Anyway, the people there all seem really nice and I do think she'll get into the grove and start enjoying her time there.  I am definitely enjoying the free time myself!!!!  It's amazing having a couple of hours that I can spend HOWEVER I want!  : )  Yesterday, I had lunch with Ryan before going to pick Ella up - that was really nice.  I thought maybe I'd use the time (it's twice a week) to be really productive at home...  So far, I've gotten some stuff done but I'm mostly just relaxing.  I figure I might as well take advantage of this time while I can!

I keep meaning to do a separate post to talk about being pregnant again, but I never get around to it.  So anyway, I'm now almost 16 weeks along and realizing that I might as well relax while I can!  The due date is July 2nd, and we should find out this Friday if it's a boy or a girl.  I'm hoping for another girl : )  We're excited, although it is a bit overwhelming to realize that in the coming months I'll go through labor, getting nursing right with the next baby- hopefully it will be a breeze this time around, the craziness of post-partum hormones, sleep deprivation, etc.  And doing it all while taking care of a 2 year old.  Well, at least I know what I'm getting into!  (I think.)  Oh and did I mention having thrown up daily for the past several weeks?  Yes, I am excited (in case you were wondering!) but I'm already thinking I might like to have Ella start going to school 5 times a week next fall, so that I can hopefully not go berserk.  Of course, I wouldn't do it if I didn't see benefit in it for her too- that's what we have to figure out- whether or not the school we have in mind would be a good fit for her.  What she's attending right now is really a Mother's Day Out kind of thing at a local church that lasts 5 hours long, 2 days a week.  What I'm thinking of for the fall is a Montessori school that lasts 4 hours long, 5 days a week.  Once we have that all sorted out (it'll probably be awhile), I'll have to blog about what we decide to do.  Wish us luck!

Other than that - Ella has finally started taking naps on her own!!!  She's napping right now actually.  I guess the key was to wait til noon or later to put her down.  If I put her down during her normal nap time in the morning, she would just scream and scream and scream nonstop.  It's funny that I didn't just try that sooner.  Oh well, hopefully I will be a pro by the time the next baby comes along!  The other thing I need to work on is WEANING!!!  Ella is still nursing.  It's not that I don't want to, but it's knowing that there's another baby on the way and knowing that she really doesn't need to anymore anyway that makes me anxious to put an end to it.  I'd also like it if I could wear a shirt without considering whether or not I could nurse Ella easily with it.  To go anywhere and not have to bring a nursing cover along....  A little bit of a break before I start nursing this next baby would just be nice.

Okay, well my little Ella Bella just woke up.  She'll probably demand milk as soon as I get her.  : )