Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Just a quickie!!!
I am pretty much a blogging idiot. I never seem to be able to get the formatting to look right, and I have no idea how to add all that pizazz that so many other blogs have, but I think I've come to terms with my remedial blogging. At least I can add pictures!!! : ) And so here are a bunch from this past Saturday (the 21st). She can stand with support, but needs to be put into standing position. So if it looks like she's standing, it's because I was trying to snap the pictures quick before she lost her balance!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Yes, she has a raincoat...

My little Ella Bella is sleeping nice and sound in her crib : ) I love how every time I put her down in the crib she just rolls over to her side. I think it's because every time we nap together she's on her side since we face each other. I guess the side position just feels natural to her.
I am just loving this age.... Ella's showing more and more personality, laughing and babbling, sitting up well now, still perfecting rolling over and just starting to crawl.... I feel so excited just thinking about all her potential... And I definitely am just enjoying the moment, our day to day routine... I just love this age! I don't know what else to say for now, all that I think about is how much I love, love, love my little Ella Bella!!!!!!!!
Well I am hearing little whimpers coming from her room.... I'll admit we usually take the morning nap together : ) I love making my own little interpretations for everything - "she must miss me right now" Hehe...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Back to baby!!!!
***please excuse this HORRIBLE formatting, but I give up on trying to make it look right!!!****
So I have been meaning to write sooner, as always! I got back from Florida last Sunday night and have really enjoyed being at home with Ella since then. I definitely felt like she missed me and LOVES me : ) That first night I let her sleep in bed with me, since I missed her so much and plus Ryan still wasn't home. But would you believe it, three times this past week we put Ella in her crib drowsy- but with her eyes wide open- and she actually went to bed without a fuss?
No crying at all!

I start to feel a little anxious when other people describe how they have sleep problems with their kids, so it is really nice transitioning Ella to a fuss-free bedtime routine! She would usually sleep in her crib, but I would have to nurse her to a deep sleep first in order to avoid a LOT of crying. If she woke up when I put her down, it was like, "okay, start over!" Now that I'm putting her down awake, I just can't believe she's not putting up a fight!
Ella is aso eating very well right now. She's had rice cereal, oatmeal, barley; turkey, beef, chicken; lots of fruits and veggies! I am so happy she's been eating everything so well. Just this past week, I have been feeding her breakfast, lunch and dinner in her highchair and what a difference it has made! Before, it was like I was nursing her all the time and still she wanted more! I think she was definitely ready to eat more....
Well this posting will have to be short- we are going to Ryan's parents' house for dinner- I think Ella will be very happy to see them. They watched her while we were out of town and hasn't seen them since. She's a lucky girl - having lots of family around who love her lots : )
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Separation anxiety!!!!!!!!!!
This weekend I'm going with Ryan on a business trip, and Ella isn't coming : ( I would normally work on Thursdays but I took today off to spend more time with her... and she's been so fussy!!! : ( Oh well, I'm still happy we've had extra time together. Even though our days are not exactly full of excitement, there is quite a bit of amusement.... like today I thought I smelled turkey out of the blue, which was weird... but then I remembered we fed her pureed turkey the night before... yes, her poop totally retained the smell of turkey, which actually beats regular poop stink! Think about it, has that kind of thing ever happened to you? Okay don't think about it- that's pretty gross... But you know what else is weird? After she ate the turkey, she fell asleep as if the turkey made her so sleepy!!! Funny coincidence... her portion was so tiny I can't imagine that it contained an amount of tryptophan high enough to have a "sleepy" effect, but I wonder... : )
Jessica took this picture of Ella 2 weeks ago and I had meant to post it sooner. Cute, huh? Her eyes look so blue, I think there may have been a little bit of photo editing. But yes, her eyes are definitely still blue- although I would describe them as a blue-grey... I noticed a couple of days ago that she's losing hair (there was a bunch in her crib) and I think more is coming in. Her head has been looking really fuzzy lately : ) It looks kind of blond in sunlight but it seems to be too dark to be blondish... We'll see - her looks are still a toss-up. Now that it's warming up outside, I think there's a chance that Ella will pick up some more color. But who knows? I think she's the cutest baby ever and I'm sure I'll think that no matter how certain features might change. I really did think she'd look a little more like me in the beginning - honestly, as soon as Ella came out I was like, "that's my baby?" "she's so blue - now she's sooo white, she doesn't look anything like me!" Here is the very first picture we took of her... She's changed sooo much, huh?

And here was what I was picturing would come out.... a baby that looked just like me!!! LOL

The funny thing is, my mom showed me the first picture that they took of me and I looked kind of scary, I have to say... I won't even post it! I'm not sure how old I am in the picture above, but I think I'm a couple of months old here... And these pictures are from 2 days ago - boy was she wiggly!!!! Well, she is presently wiggling all around in her monkey gym, looking up at me with this look like "are you done yet?" Time to play with baby!!!!
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