Blogging is totally new to me, but I figured I'd give it a try so that I can try to keep friends and family in the loop with our little one : ) So in case you haven't heard, Ryan and I are now proud parents of Ella Ilima Baker - born August 25th at 5:59pm weighing 7 pounds 6.8 ounces and measuring 19.75 inches long - perfect! Just a little over a week ago she was up to 9 pounds 6.5 ounces and 22.25 inches long!
She's such a good baby too : ) She sleeps a lot of course, but never all through the night : ( One day, one day... It was so nice to have my mom come visit last week to help out - she did all the night time feedings - what a great gift to give new parents!!! Well there's much to say but unfortunately too much on the to-do list, so I will write more later : )
She's such a good baby too : ) She sleeps a lot of course, but never all through the night : ( One day, one day... It was so nice to have my mom come visit last week to help out - she did all the night time feedings - what a great gift to give new parents!!! Well there's much to say but unfortunately too much on the to-do list, so I will write more later : )